Thursday, 7 April 2011


Sky from my bedroom window last summer.

the fact that I'm three weeks away from finishing University for the year plus a few sunny days at home have left me rather excited for REAL summer...when its stays light all day, clear blue skies, lazy days in the park, eating nothing but bbq's and ice lollies, walking around bare foot, being tanned, summer dresses, floppy hats, trips to the beach, festivals and sunsets like that....bring it on.


  1. this echoes my exact sentiment. although the idea of uni wrapping up for the year is actually making me feel quite sad! hope you have some nice things planned for your summer.

  2. i know it is sad isnt it! the uni year just isnt long enough!
    thankyou and you! im hopefully spending my summer in italy if all goes to plan!
